Dahlia Sale Policies
Please note that all varieties will show as SOLD OUT until the sale opens on February 8th, 2025, at 2pm CST.
Our website will become password protected on Saturday morning at 10 AM CST so that inventory can be uploaded. The site will be unlocked on Saturday at 2pm CST when the sale goes live.
Your order is not confirmed until you checkout and receive a confirmation email. Items in your cart may disappear if another customer checks out with the same item before you.
We cannot make changes to orders once they are placed. All dahlia tuber orders are final sale. However, we are selling a perishable product and reserve the right to fully refund any order during our quality checks prior to shipping. We do not offer substitutions due to loss of stock.
Last year we experienced a devastating loss of cuttings which not only affected us financially but also caused disappointment for a handful of our customers. As a gesture of good faith, these customers were promised early access to our 2025 sale. Theses select few will have 5 minutes to shop before the sale opens to the general public and will be restricted to place one order prior to the general public opening. Please understand that this may mean that varieties with lower stock may become unavailable prior to the general public opening. I do hope that everyone can appreciate our transparency and our attempt to make up for the disappointment these customers experienced. Please take this to mean that if you too were to ever experience a disappointment like this with our product, we will attempt to do everything in our power to make it right. Thank you for your understanding.
Shipping is within Canada only. Orders will begin shipping out in late April or early May, as weather permits. However, if the weather remains below freezing shipping may be delayed until we can guarantee your dahlias will arrive safely. If shipping is delayed, we will send out communication via newsletter to update our customers on the shipping timeline, so please make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter to receive any updates regarding shipping. It is difficult for us to reply to the influx of individual emails in a timely fashion during the busy Spring season. Subscribing to the newsletter is the best way to stay up to date with shipping timelines.
Please make sure all shipping information is accurate and up to date. H&H Floral Fields is not responsible for lost packages if you provide us with an incorrect shipping address. Please contact Canada Post directly to open a lost ticket if your package becomes lost in the mail. We will not be responsible for tracking down any lost packages. Please ensure the email address you provide us with is correct, as this is our only form of communication with you regarding your order.
Canada wide shipping is a flat rate of $23. Please keep in mind that shipping costs are not only for postal services; but also cover the cost of boxes, tape, packaging materials, handling and administrative work. As such we feel $23 is a fair price, and we still often lose money on shipping cost.
As shipping prices continue to rise, we would like to make sure you are not out of pocket too much for shipping multiple orders, but we also need to make sure we are being compensated accordingly for combining orders. As such, we will be combining orders for 2025 if you choose to make additional orders. Please understand that combining orders adds extra time and paperwork. For this reason, we ask for a small $5 fee on each additional order you make, to cover these costs. To combine orders, please click here for detailed instructions on how to do so.
We offer free local pickup for those of you who live in surrounding areas. Pickup will be at the farm located 3 miles west of Richer, just north of #1 Hwy. Local pickup days will be Saturday, April 12th and Sunday April 13th from 10am - 3pm. If you are unsure if you will be available on either of these days, please select shipping at checkout. We find the round trip of driving out from Winnipeg ends up costing more in gas than the shipping charge, so do not fret if you are unsure if you can pickup on one of these days. We cannot accommodate any pickup days outside of the designated weekend.
The week leading up to the pickup weekend, you will receive communication by email advising you of the exact pickup location and detailed pickup instructions. If your order is not picked up, you will be invoiced for shipping. Your order will not be shipped until the invoice is paid in full.
Please inspect your tubers as soon as they arrive. Upon receipt of your order, store your tubers in a cool, dry place. Please reach out to us by EMAIL at info@hhfloralfields.com within SEVEN (7) days of receipt with a picture of your concern, and we'll be happy to address any issues. Once your concern has been reviewed, we will email you back to let you know if your claim has been approved. Upon an approved claim we will ship out a replacement tuber or cutting of the same variety. If said variety is no longer available, we will ship out a new variety of your choosing or fully refund your purchase (your choice). Shipping costs are non-refundable.
You will receive planting and care instructions with your order. Please follow these carefully. Soil should have warmed and not be overly saturated upon planting. As many naturally occurring factors can affect the success of your tubers, we cannot be responsible for non-performance once you have planted them.
We guarantee your dahlia tubers will have at least one viable eye. Having a viable eye does not necessarily mean the eye will be visible upon arrival. Our tubers overwinter in our cooler, and eyes may still be dormant when your order is received. Eyes were previously identified during dividing in fall, when the eyes are most visible. To the untrained eye, they are difficult to identify during dormancy, if at all. Your tuber may take weeks or sometimes even months to reveal an eye and begin growing. Once the weather turns and soil has warmed to at least 15 degrees, your tuber will begin to grow beautifully.
We pride ourselves on accurate labeling to ensure our customers receive exactly what they ordered, and guarantee all tubers will be true to ID. Unfortunately, we are human and sometimes mislabels do happen. If your dahlia blooms and it is not the variety you ordered, please contact us by email at info@hhfloralfields.com with photos and your order number. Mislabels must be reported to us by October 31st of the year of purchase to qualify for the guarantee. We will do our best to resolve the error.
Much like you and I, dahlia tubers come in all shapes and sizes. Bigger isn’t necessarily better. If a tuber is too large, it may limit its ability to grow tubers or a large root system. Sometimes we will trim back a tuber and let it cure for ease of shipping. Other times, we do this to our own farm tubers to help promote more tuber and root growth. Please keep in mind, if you receive a small tuber, it has no bearing on the quality or quantity of flowers or tubers it will produce. If it made it all the way through winter storage without drying up, it will thrive once planted out.
Some varieties store well. Others are known to be difficult to overwinter and rot or dry up in storage. This is why those “unicorns” are so hard to find. These are typically the varieties that are notoriously hard to store or are poor tuber producers. Some of the “harder to store” varieties may arrive with surface level wrinkling; this again has no bearing on the quality or quantity of flowers or tubers it will produce.
Continued research through Washington State University shows that 87% of outwardly healthy dahlias carry dormant viruses.
Our plants are monitored throughout the growing season. We cull and burn all plants or clumps that are suspect or show signs of virus. Our snips are sanitizing with a 10% bleach solution, soaked, and rotated between plants while cutting flowers, and clumps while dividing. Although we carry out stringent sanitation practices, it is nearly impossible to guarantee all tubers are virus free.
None of us are able to grow in a sterile environment, as thrips are known vectors of many viruses. Thrips can move a virus between dahlias and other host plants, such as weeds. There is no way to tell where the disease originated, unless we all start capturing and testing colonies in our own gardens. As such, H&H Floral Fields cannot be held responsible for any disease issue that may appear in plants/tubers throughout the growing season. By purchasing from us, you accept any risk that your plant may develop virus symptoms, and have declared that you have been informed of, and understand this information.
We understand it can be frustrating and sometimes impossible to secure popular varieties. However, we are a small farm and only have so much growing space. We are doing our best to expand our growing space to meet the demand for certain varieties, but the current demand far outmatches the supply.
Unfortunately, due to the “dahlia wars” some customers have forgotten their manners. There is a growing trend of abusive emails, messages, or “trash talking” growers online. We as growers have a responsibility to send out viable tubers into the world…and we take that responsibility very seriously. If you have any concerns, or are dissatisfied about your order, please come to us directly so we can resolve the issue and make it right.
We are happy to address any concerns you may have, but we ask that you remain respectful when communicating with us. If we receive an email or message that is threatening, has obscene language directed at our staff, or is abusive in any way; your order will be cancelled and refunded. If your order has already been received, and you are displaying the above behaviour, we reserve the right to have you barred from future sales. In this case, no future orders will be able to be place through us under your name, email address, shipping address or IP address. We take the safety and mental health of our staff very seriously.